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FileSeek Discussions

Discussion Replies Last Post
How do I use the "Regular Expression Match" option? -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 11, 2008
Error: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 11, 2008
News FileSeek 1.9.1 Released! 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jan 9, 2010
FileSeek 1.9.1 Released! -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jan 6, 2010
IFilters 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jan 5, 2010
FileSeek API - Plugin Support for File Formats 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Oct 19, 2009
Email address search 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Sep 8, 2009
News FileSeek 1.8.3 Released 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 28, 2009
Path matching 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 27, 2009
Some productivity and usability suggestions 10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 17, 2009
How do I get FS to stop. 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 15, 2009
2 bugs an a request 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 14, 2009
Search for folder names bug 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 14, 2009
How do I add FileSeek to Windows Explorer Context menu? 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Aug 13, 2009
News FileSeek 1.8.1 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 18, 2009
Feature Request: Search for Folders 5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 17, 2009
FileSeek's A-Ok! 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 14, 2009
FileSeek - file date 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 12, 2009
FileSeek 1.8 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 12, 2009
News FileSeek 1.8 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 10, 2009
How to use Query 5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Apr 6, 2009
Query - false positives 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Apr 6, 2009
FileSeek 1.7 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 11, 2009
Feature Requests: Include/Exclude history and better current file 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
Feature Request: Path in Title Bar 2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
Feature Request: Open right click context menu appropriate for current 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
selected file viewing application 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
Using Include and Exclude 3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
Feature Requests: Custom file property fields, double-click, single instance 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
BUG: 'Open with Other Application' fails to handle directories with spaces 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
News FileSeek 1.7 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 10, 2009
Unicode search - Buried feature or Enhancement request? 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Mar 9, 2009
Searching filenames 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Feb 13, 2009
ERROR: The specified path, file name, or both are too long... 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jan 16, 2009
News FileSeek v1.6 Released 1
Nov 9, 2008
Editor Settings 6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Nov 9, 2008
FileSeek v1.6 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Nov 9, 2008
Install as replacement for Windows' search 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Nov 5, 2008
Feature suggestion 1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Nov 5, 2008
FileSeek v1.5.1 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 11, 2008
News FileSeek v1.5.1 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jul 10, 2008
FileSeek v1.5 Released -
Jon Tackabury (BFS)
Jun 25, 2008
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