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FileSeek Change Log

v6.9 • September 5, 2023

  • Note: This is the last version of FileSeek that will install and run on Windows 7/8
  • Change: New results context menu item: Copy selected paths
  • Change: Moved result export settings to a new "Export Settings" tab
  • Change: New setting to exclude status line in result exports

v6.8.1 • July 19, 2023

  • Fix: Translation length fix
  • Fix: Settings export fix
  • Fix: Minor behind-the-scenes fixes

v6.8 • April 12, 2023

  • Change: Upgraded to .NET 7 framework (OS support is now Win 10 1607 and higher)
  • Change: Win 7, Win 8/8.1, and Win 10 versions lower than 1607 are no longer supported
  • Change: Added an "Open With..." context menu option for search results
  • Change: Double-click now performs the "Open Other Application" action
  • Change: Added an option to prevent FileSeek from downloading online-only cloud files when searching (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc...)
  • Fix: Textbox controls are now scaled correctly after minimizing to tray
  • Fix: Group policy UI fixes
  • Fix: Resolved the "Not a valid Win32 FileTime" error when searching
  • Fix: Resolved a multi-sort regression
  • Fix: If "Always start FileSeek with blank search criteria" is enabled sessions aren't remembered
  • Fix: Display scaling fixes
  • Fix: No longer crashes when a 0 byte file is passed to a file handler
  • Fix: Improved listview speed on the Settings File Handlers tab
  • Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented multiple instances of FileSeek from starting
  • Fix: Resolved a startup performance issue, FileSeek should start faster now

v6.7 • December 14, 2021

  • Change: Minor tweaks to the Settings window UI
  • Change: All open search tabs are now saved between FileSeek restarts
  • Change: New option to disable the preview pane
  • Change: Currently loaded search profile now gets highlighted in the menu
  • Change: FileSeek can now search the Windows fonts folder
  • Fix: Resolved a small issue when searching LNK files
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the help button was sometimes missing the icon image
  • Fix: Resolved a small UI issue that made the window status text truncate sometimes

v6.6 • May 4, 2021

  • Change: Added a tooltip to the "Treat query text as on large query term" option for clarification
  • Change: New option to export all columns instead of only the ones enabled in the settings
  • Fix: Exported search results no longer have ampersands in the search header names
  • Fix: Fixed a minor graphical glitch with the exported HTML results
  • Fix: Matched text now gets highlighted correctly when using RegEx mode

v6.5 • March 15, 2021

  • Change: Added a loading spinner on FileSeek startup
  • Change: New icon set
  • Change: Search history is now global instead of per-profile
  • Fix: Font in preview pane now scales correctly on multi-DPI setups
  • Fix: Now renders Hindi characters correctly in the preview pane
  • Fix: Improvements when using the "Line Range of Search" advanced setting
  • Fix: "Encoding Used" column now added to CSV and HTML exports
  • Fix: Editing a profile now triggers a sync
  • Fix: HTML search criteria is now in order
  • Fix: Image preview is now cleared when starting a new search
  • Fix: File Handler FAQ link in Settings window is no longer tiny
  • Fix: Other UI improvements

v6.4 • June 24, 2020

  • Change: Added an option to skip querying files over a certain size (default is 300 MB)
  • Change: New Advanced Settings that allow the Include Files and Query fields to match to the full path to a file instead of just the file name
  • Fix: No longer prompts to sign-in when overwriting a local profile
  • Fix: Windows Context Menu option in results context menu now works correctly
  • Fix: {My Computer} and {Recycle Bin} path variables no longer case-sensitive
  • Fix: Recycle Bin search now returns the correct file names

v6.3 • June 24, 2020

  • Tab order on Search tab now cycles through all text input fields before moving to the buttons
  • Search tab controls no longer get scrambled with single instance mode enabled
  • Resolved an issue where the tab would be blank when using single instance mode and minimize to tray
  • Resolved an issue where RegEx queries didn't work if "Treat query text as one large query term" is enabled
  • No longer shows duplicate results if the same Path is entered twice on the Search tab
  • Status bar fix for 200% scaling

v6.2.1 • October 8, 2019

  • Resolved an issue that caused FileSeek to take a very long time to open on some systems
  • Accelerator keys (e.g. Alt + Q to jump to the Query box) now work on the Search tab
  • Resolved an issue where Date Filters were not correctly applying to Folders in the results

v6.2 • August 26, 2019

  • New tabs no longer broken after using "Close All But This"
  • Search tab buttons no longer continually increase in size when using font scaling
  • Various other font scaling fixes
  • Help button next to the Query box now correctly takes you to the Text Query help
  • Custom encoding option now works correctly for .txt files when file handlers are enabled
  • You can now specify multiple encoding types in the Custom File Encoding advanced setting
  • Exact match operator (=) now matches on word boundary instead of entire line
  • Added an Encoding column to the results pane (disabled by default, you can enable it in the Settings window)
  • General Fixes and improvements

v6.1.1 • July 9, 2018

  • Profile push syncing improvements
  • FileSeek now has an option to also search the file that the found LNK file is pointing to
  • General Fixes and improvements

v6.1 • February 5, 2018

  • Added a new result menu option that will copy the selected results and separate them by line breaks
  • Push syncing improvements
  • FileSeek will now have focus when it is first opened
  • Hyperlinks in the Settings window will now work properly
  • Exported results will now respect the "Only show matched text in a search result" option
  • General fixes and improvements

v6.0.1 • December 21, 2017

  • Resolved an issue that used the old icon in some places

v6.0 • December 21, 2017

  • Search Profiles are now synced instantly using realtime push syncing between computers
  • New Results Menu Items: Add All/Selected Results to Zip File
  • New Results Menu Item: Hash with HashTools (note: requires HashTools to be installed)
  • When the "Paths" field is empty, FileSeek will now automatically search all of your hard drives
  • FileSeek no longer allows duplicate Search Profile names
  • The Manage Search Profile window now accepts keypresses
  • Exclude files by RegEx now works correctly
  • The new search tab button no longer flickers
  • General fixes and improvements

v5.2.1 • November 24, 2016

  • FileSeek no longer supports Windows XP or Vista. To use FileSeek with these operating systems, you will need to use an older version of FileSeek
  • Now requires the .NET Framework 4.6 (installed automatically if needed)
  • General UI and font improvements

v5.2 • November 22, 2016

  • FileSeek no longer supports Windows XP or Vista. To use FileSeek with these operating systems, you will need to use an older version of FileSeek
  • Now requires the .NET Framework 4.6 (installed automatically if needed)
  • General UI improvements
  • Resolved an issue where FileSeek would sometimes show an error when viewing a search result
  • Fixed an issue with mouse wheel scrolling

v5.1 • August 9, 2016

  • Now targeting the .NET Framework 4.0, which will automatically install during setup if needed
  • General UI improvements
  • Added an option to rename files and folders (one result at a time)
  • You can now drag and drop results into the search fields
  • New command line parameter to start FileSeek in the system tray (-tray)
  • Search criteria will change back to the way it was before after clicking the 'Search in New Tab' button
  • FileSeek will now only sync search profiles when starting from the command line if it needs to load a profile
  • FileSeek can now extend a query through multiple lines of a file
  • FileSeek will now search though large files correctly when using File Handlers
  • Custom column setups will now work correctly
  • Exported column names will no longer have ampersand characters in them
  • Fixed an issue where FileSeek couldn't find files with no extension
  • Fixed an issue where FileSeek was unresponsive when querying large files
  • FileSeek will now export extra lines correctly when saving search results
  • Asterisks (wildcards) will now work correctly in the Exclude Paths field
  • Advanced settings will now save properly

v5.0.1 • November 8, 2015

  • Improvements for high contrast themes and classic mode theme

v5.0 • November 2, 2015

  • New and improved user interface
  • Performance improvements
  • Added support for Windows 10 per-monitor DPI scaling
  • Columns in the search result list can now be modified
  • It is now possible to sort by more than one column (add extra sort columns to sort by holding down the shift key and clicking on the column header)
  • Default sort is now by file name, then line number
  • The column sort settings will be kept when starting another search on the same tab
  • The Result List will now be focused after the first result is added
  • Added the ability to import and export Search Profiles
  • Added the option to force FileSeek to use a single instance
  • New Text Query equality modifier (see FAQ for more information)
  • The lines shows before and after a search result has been increased from 10 to 100
  • You can now specify a name for the "Other Application" menu item
  • FileSeek now has group policy support
  • Resolved an issue where FileSeek sometimes opened shell32.dll instead of the selected file
  • Dragging files from the result list will work now
  • Drive letters can now be entered without a trailing backslash
  • Column widths are now saved and restored correctly
  • Resolved an issue where single clicking on two different items quickly would treat the input as a double click

v4.5 • June 18, 2015

  • Removed the OR keyword for the query field, just use a space now. For example "cats OR dogs" is now just "cats dogs". If you want to find cats AND dogs, just use "+cats +dogs".
  • Added the option to use Text Queries for included and excluded file filters
  • Fixed an issue where results removed from the results list would cause problems
  • Paths and file names with numbers in the results now sort correctly
  • Fixed various 32-bit related issues
  • Fixed an issue where the file list columns would stay pressed after a mouse drag