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FileSeek 1.8.1 Released

July 18, 2009

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek 1.8.1! A few issues made it into the 1.8 release, so this release is a minor release to take care of those things. These issues have been around since version 1.5, when the filename matching was added. Here are the things that are fixed/changed in this release:

  • Folder name matches are now displayed similar to filename matches (matched folder name in the "File" column, with the base path in the "Path" column
  • Folder name matches will only occur in the last part of the path, not the complete path (reduces false-positives)
  • Folder names aren't incorrectly matched when the Query box is left blank
  • File and Folder name matches both now use the "Regular expression query" setting

As always, you can view the complete change log if you would like all the details. If you have auto-update enabled you will be notified the next time you start FileSeek, otherwise just head over to the FileSeek page and download it today!

FileSeek 1.8 Released

July 10, 2009

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek 1.8! This new version contains a pile of new features and enhancements, as well as the usual bug fixes. I received some excellent feedback in the FileSeek forum over the last couple of months, and that has helped to shape this release. Here is a quick rundown on some of the larger changes:

  • Added a "Date Modified" column to the results list
  • Added custom command line parameters for "open with other application" (to specify line numbers, etc)
  • Double-clicking a result now opens the file in the user-configured editor, not the Windows default one
  • Added an option to show folder name matches

As always, you can view the complete change log if you would like all the details. I would encourage everyone to update to the new version to take advantage of the new features. If you have auto-update enabled you will be notified the next time you start FileSeek, otherwise just head over to the FileSeek page and download it today!

FileSeek 1.7 Released

March 10, 2009

Have you ever needed to find a file buried somewhere in your computer? Have you ever needed to find a specific string of text inside a file? FileSeek can do that, and more. FileSeek is lightning fast, small and super easy to use. It can even be integrated right into the Windows Explorer right-click menu to provide quick and easy access. FileSeek doesn't use background indexing, so when FileSeek is closed your computer's performance won't be affected. This new release of FileSeek adds some significant new features, and fixes a number of long-standing issues. Here is a quick rundown on some of the major changes:

  • Full Windows 7 support
  • Added a "Windows Context Menu" option to the file result context menu
  • Double-clicking a search result item will open the file with the default file handler
  • Shows the current search path in the window caption bar
  • The 4 search criteria boxes now store a history of 10 items
  • The path box now auto-completes using a combination of the history and file system

This is only a sample of the improvements in this new version. You can view the full change log here. I would encourage everyone to update to the latest version today to take advantage of all these enhancements. If you haven't tried FileSeek before, what are you waiting for? Start searching your files right now!

FileSeek v1.6 Released

November 9, 2008

I am very happy to announce the release of FileSeek v1.6. This new version adds some much requested new functionality, and cleans up a few small issues. Here are a few things that have been added in this release:

  • Added an "Open with Other Application" context menu option for selected files
  • Added an "Open Containing Folder" context menu option for selected files
  • Added a "Case sensitive query" option

Check out the full change log for more details on these changes. Also changed in this release is the addition of an advertisement in the Settings window for one of my other applications, DisplayFusion. This is just a hard-coded image, and will never, ever connect to the internet to download new ads. This isn't some sleazy spyware stuff, this is just a link to one of my applications. This is the first application that I have tried this with, and I would be very interested to hear any feedback on this in the FileSeek Support Forum, or just contact me directly.

A big thanks to everyone who helped with this release. Thanks everyone!

FileSeek v1.5.1 Released

July 10, 2008

FileSeek v1.5.1 has just been released into the wild. This release is a quick maintenance release aimed at fixing a few minor issues. Here is a quick rundown on the changes:

  • Now shows an error if the path to search doesn't exist
  • Status bar now says "x matches found" instead of "x lines found" (more accurate wording)
  • Now properly finds files with no extension
  • Fixed an issue with Windows Vista that prevented the registry entries from being created properly for context menu support

If you have auto-update notification enabled in FileSeek you will be prompted to download the new version, or you can just head over to the FileSeek page to download it.

FileSeek v1.5 Released

June 24, 2008

I'm very happy to announce the release of FileSeek v1.5 today. This release includes some important fixes, and a couple of new features. Most notably, the exclusion pattern is now applied to folders as well as files. For the complete list of changes I invite you to check out the change log.


I encourage everyone who is running an older version to update today. If you have auto-update checking enabled in FileSeek you will be prompted to update next time you use it.

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