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1 discussion post
Hi thanks for that great software, but anybody knows if its posible to look for code inside php files?
Thanks in advance

Apr 14, 2012  • #1
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31 discussion posts
It is possible.

I am not showing a file handler for .php in FileSeek, but when I searched for a word in a group of .php files, FileSeek returned results.
Apr 14, 2012  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@metropol4: kevinp is correct. You should be able to search inside .php files without a file handler, as it's just a text based file. Are you getting an error when you try to search inside .php files using the Query field in FileSeek?

Apr 18, 2012  • #3
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William Connor
2 discussion posts
Yesterday, I got results from inside some php files, but not others. I got a red message saying somehting about zip files and I should check "Process file contents using file handlers" so I did. Today, I get NO results from any php files. The only thing I changed was that advanced option to look inside zip files (or so the message I got in red at the bottom of the app claimed). There isn't a specific error message, but in the far right column it says "No file handler for this file, using standard method".

I just unchecked the "Process file contents using file handlers" and it is now back to looking inside php files and xml files.

And, for completeness sake, I am using FleSeek Pro Trial version 3.1.4.
Dec 19, 2013  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@William: I tested this out here, and I get the "No file handler found" error, but then on the next line, I still get a result from the search in the PHP file.

On the Tools > Settings > Search tab, if you disable the "Show an error for files with no file handler" option, does that make any difference?
Dec 20, 2013  • #5
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William Connor
2 discussion posts
I now have "Process file contents using file handlers" checked, and the "show error" box you mentioned unchecked and things work fine. It's odd. Yesterday, all I got was errors, but no results. However, all is working perfectly now (I think MS Windows is a virus and I'm a sheep for using it... :) ). The reason I got FileSeek was because all of a sudden MS Windows search refused to search IN files for the search query, it will only search filenames now, and I have used every tool I know of and I have no virus (other than Windows itself) or malware. The only thing I have gotten recently was a Microsoft update (go figure...).

At any rate, your product is working perfectly and I'm happy as a clam (I never did understand that statement. How the hell did the person that came up with that phrase have any idea what a clam thought?).

Thank you very much for your prompt and correct advice!

Dec 20, 2013 (modified Dec 20, 2013)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem, glad to hear it!
Dec 20, 2013  • #7
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