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2 discussion posts
I have a bunch of zip files containing .log files.

I would like to search through all the zip files and for words 'error' in the log files.

I have ifilter associated for zip.

I've changed the registry for .log files to
PerceivedType text
Content Type text/plain

now .log extention is showing under File handlers. Still not able to get any results.

Using version FileSeek pro trial 5.2.1

Search paramenters used:
Path: \\{specified path}
Exclude Path(s): \\{specified path and folder I would like to exclude from above path}
Include files: *.*
Exclude Files: {blank}
Query: 'error'

Advanced tab: (listing only enabled)
Match query to each line in file
search sub-folders
Process file contents using File Handlers
Show File name that match the 'include files' filter

I've unzipped some files and searched the .log file for words and confirm the words are in the files before I tested search with FileSeek.

What am I doing wrong?
Aug 24, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The ZIP iFilter will only search the file names in the ZIP file, not the file contents. Unfortunately I don't believe there's a ZIP iFilter that will actually extract the ZIP and search the contents, sorry!
Aug 28, 2017  • #2
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2 discussion posts
WINRAR does. Can you integrate with that?

Most log files are zipped nowadays and it would be helful to search contents in zipped log files.

WINRAR will search one zip at time.
Aug 28, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It doesn't look like there's a way for us to integrate with WinRAR, no. I'll put this on our feature request list, and if we can find a way to search contents inside zip files in the future, we'll definitely let you know.

Aug 28, 2017  • #4
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