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Darragh Griffin
3 discussion posts
I need to edit some text on my website. When I do a search for one unique word that is in that block of text, the result comes back as zero. But the word is definitely in a file somewhere in the folder because it is on the webpage when I look at it in my browser! Is it a setting?

In the search tab:
Path(s): I clicked on browse and chose the folder where my website sits.
Exclude Path(s): I left blank
Include Files: I leave blank but when the search is complete this appears in the box: "*.*"
Exclude files: blank
Query: the word I'm searching for happens to be "soar" ...... and it's definitely on my webpage!

Include files filter is RegX: unticked
Exclude files filter is RegX: unticked

In the Advanced Tab I have selected:
match Query to entire file, I also tried match query to each line in file
show file names that match the query text
show folder names that match query text
search sub folders

I didnt select date filters or file size filters

Any ideas? Thanks.
Oct 19, 2013 (modified Oct 19, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Are they just normal HTML files that you're searching?
Oct 21, 2013  • #2
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Darragh Griffin
3 discussion posts
Hi Keith.

It's a wordpress website, so I guess they're php files with html inside the php files.


Oct 21, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Is the word you're looking for in one of the posts? Wordpress uses a database backend for storing the content, so the php files themselves don't usually have post content in them. Unfortunately FileSeek can't search within database files though.
Oct 21, 2013  • #4
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Darragh Griffin
3 discussion posts
Ah, ok. That makes sense now. The "page" the word was on wasn't in fact a page. I think it was a post. I have the website backed up locally but I dont have access to the admin panel.
Oct 21, 2013  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Cool, no worries!
Oct 21, 2013  • #6
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