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1 discussion post
Sorry for posting a basic quaetion like this, but I downloaded Fileseek because I need to find a file on my computer, and I dont want to read through an entire manual just to find out how to do a very basic thing that the a search engine should be set up to do from installation.

The problem I have is that the program does not search in subdirectories, And it searches the contents of the file, instead of just the file name.

If somebody could help explain how to set up fileseek to search for a filename on the entire system, I would be greatful, otherwise I would have to use a different search engine

Feb 28, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for trying out FileSeek!

To do a simple search like that, just put the file name in the "Include Files" box, and leave the Query box blank. Also make sure that the "Search sub-folders" option is enabled on the Advanced tab.

Please let me know if you have any other questions at all.

Feb 29, 2016  • #2
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71 discussion posts
No, this doesn't work. If I leave Query box empty, it finds nothing. If I put at list a space and search for a text file of any kind, it does find the file and also finds thousand of matches of spaces inside.

I don't want to search inside. Searching inside of an EXE file is meaningless. I just want to find files with a specific file name, similar to File Explorer search feature but more efficient and with ability to define file name as RegEx.

How to find files with file names defined as RegEx?
Sep 18, 2017  • #3
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71 discussion posts
Ah, sorry, it works if you check 'Show file names that match the "include files" filter' and leave Query box empty. But if enter anything in the Query, it searches for content inside of files. So, need to be careful, seems to be a hidden feature :-)
Sep 18, 2017  • #4
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