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61 discussion posts

I cannot find any option to turn off the file preview panel in FileSeek Pro 4.2. I have no need for the preview, and it takes me a while to view large Excel files (e.g., 36 MB in size). At work we work with very large files (i.e., data files). Forcing the preview to always be turned on takes me hours to go through a list of Excel files, when really I only need a file list and not a preview.

Can you please provide an option to turn off the file preview? A handy toolbar button would be nice.

Mar 13, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
For now it's just an Advanced Setting. Please see the attached screenshot for reference :)

• Attachment: FileSeek-Disable Previews.jpg [156,321 bytes]
FileSeek-Disable Previews.jpg
FileSeek-Disable Previews.jpg
Mar 13, 2015  • #2
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61 discussion posts
Hi Keith.

I thank you for your help. I was able to turn off the preview in advanced settings.

Maybe in a future release you might want to consider a check-box option to turn on/off the preview in the Advanced tab.

Mar 19, 2015  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No problem! That's a great idea too, I've added it to our list :)

Mar 20, 2015  • #4
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3 discussion posts
I'm using FileSeek 4.3, Windows 7 64bit SP1, and MS Office 2010.
I am getting crashes of FileSeek and Excel when both are running.
The Excel files may be 20 to 80 of them in a subdirectory and they are 6 - 14 MB size each.
I am guessing it is related to the preview. Our intranet is slow, and the preview is slowing down FileSeek relative to previous versions.
I am not seeing the option to turn preview off in Advanced Settings.
Is there a way in 4.3 to turn off preview in Advanced Setting but I just don't recognize which one it is?
Thank you for your help.
Apr 3, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In FileSeek 4.3, you can disable them on the Settings > Preview Handlers tab.

Hope that helps!
Apr 6, 2015  • #6
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3 discussion posts
Sorry for late reply. Thank you. - Yes turning off in Preview Handlers pane works just fine, and makes it not crash with Excel files. Thank you again!
Apr 30, 2015  • #7
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11 discussion posts
Can you please provide an option to turn off the file preview ... A handy toolbar button would be nice.

I would like this feature as well --tho i'd prefer it be with both File and Image previews-- ditto in the form of button/s (toolbar or panel bar), but at least in the Tools menu (like the Clear Search History option is already). Turning them off, plus not having the blank preview panes displaying in a more temporary/quick state, would come in handy in a lot of my numerous searches i.e. freeing up otherwise wasted desktop space (fwiw, i tend to minimize my search program, leaving it running through the day so as to have it readily available for various types of searches).
Having the Preview boxes slide down with a button in the divider, and utilizing that space for search hits (like you currently can with a cursor click hold & slide) would be awesome for efficiency. i have a RSS newsreader program that does that with it's Feeds listing panel, allowing for more reading space temporarily, quickly re-displaying it with a simple mouse click of the button.

** i posted this request in another thread and i'm just making it specifically here per response request in that thread; no further reply necessary, unless some clarification is needed, etc **

Win 7 x64
fileseek v5.0.1 (zip> portable)
Dec 9, 2015 (modified Dec 9, 2015)  • #8
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