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We're very excited to announce that FileSeek 6.8 is now available for download! This new major version fixes many issues and adds some new options. Check out the full change log for all the details. Update for free today!
FileSeek 6.8 Changes
  • Change: Upgraded to .NET 7 framework (OS support is now Win 10 1607 and higher)
  • Change: Win 7, Win 8/8.1, and Win 10 versions lower than 1607 are no longer supported
  • Change: Added an "Open With..." context menu option for search results
  • Change: Double-click now performs the "Open Other Application" action
  • Change: Added an option to prevent FileSeek from downloading online-only cloud files when searching (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc...)
  • Fix: Textbox controls are now scaled correctly after minimizing to tray
  • Fix: Group policy UI fixes
  • Fix: Resolved the "Not a valid Win32 FileTime" error when searching
  • Fix: Resolved a multi-sort regression
  • Fix: If "Always start FileSeek with blank search criteria" is enabled sessions aren't remembered
  • Fix: Display scaling fixes
  • Fix: No longer crashes when a 0 byte file is passed to a file handler
  • Fix: Improved listview speed on the Settings File Handlers tab
  • Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented multiple instances of FileSeek from starting
  • Fix: Resolved a startup performance issue, FileSeek should start faster now
Updating FileSeek
We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased FileSeek, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the FileSeek change log. Thank you to everyone who helped to test the beta versions, that feedback is what makes FileSeek so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate FileSeek to their native languages. Thanks everyone!
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 18, 2023)  • #1
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