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We're very excited to announce that FileSeek 6.4.0 Beta 1 is now available for download! This release fixes a bunch of minor issues and adds a couple of new options.

FileSeek 6.4.0 Beta 1 Highlights

  • Change: Added an option to skip querying files over a certain size (default is 300 MB)
  • Change: New Advanced Settings that allow the Include Files and Query fields to match to the full path to a file instead of just the file name
  • Fix: No longer prompts to sign-in when overwriting a local profile
  • Fix: Windows Context Menu option in results context menu now works correctly
  • Fix: {My Computer} and {Recycle Bin} path variables no longer case-sensitive
  • Fix: Recycle Bin search now returns the correct file names

Updating FileSeek

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please view the FileSeek Beta Change Log.

May 25, 2020  • #1
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