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We're happy to announce that FileSeek 5.0 is now available for download! This release features a slightly modified interface, support for Group Policy (with ADMX templates for almost every setting), and a bunch of other improvements as well!

FileSeek 5.0 Highlights

  • Updated user interface with support for per-monitor DPI scaling in Windows 10
  • Search result columns can now be customized
  • Added multi-column sorting (hold shift when clicking the 2nd+ columns)
  • Search Profiles can now be exported/imported locally
  • Group Policy support (with ADMX templates)
  • Resolved an issue where FileSeek tried to open shell32.dll when double-clicking a file
  • Many other stability, performance, and bug fixes

Updating FileSeek

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today. We'd like to send out a big thank you to everyone who helped beta test FileSeek, and to the translators who worked hard to make FileSeek available in their native languages!


FileSeek 5.0 Main Window
FileSeek 5.0 Main Window
New Results View Settings
New Results View Settings
Nov 2, 2015  • #1
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Raymond Medland
1 discussion post
I have used FileSeek since version 3.1.4 and it has always worked well. However, FileSeek 5.0.1 does not work well on either of my Windows 7 computers. It is slow and freezes frequently (displays Not Responding).
I have downgraded to version 4.5, which works fine.
Nov 16, 2015  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Raymond: Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the latest version! Would you be able to send us some more details via the Help Support Request button in the FileSeek Settings?

Nov 17, 2015  • #3
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