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We're happy to announce that FileSeek 4.1 is now available for download! This release contains a few important fixes and changes:

  • The context menu in Windows Explorer can now handle opening multiple files in one instance of FileSeek
  • You can now drag and drop files into the Include and Exclude files and paths text boxes to automatically append them
  • An preview area has been added to the results pane
  • FileSeek now searches root UNC network paths correctly (i.e. \\server)
  • Resolved an issue where the include files box gets cleared when opening FileSeek from the Explorer context menu
  • Resolved an issue where date filters were not saved correctly in search profiles

Updating FileSeek

We encourage everyone to update to the new version today. We'd like to send out a big thank you to everyone who helped beta test FileSeek, and to the translators who worked hard to make FileSeek available in their native languages!


Search with Image Preview
Search with Image Preview
Feb 6, 2015  • #1
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