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11 discussion posts
I'm giving fileseek a spin for the first time today in hopes of having a replacement for my prior third party app. I really like what I'm seeing thus far, especially the Preview feature.
But with one exception: the ability to Rename a file listed in the results? Am I just missing where that feature is, or is it not an option presently?
I tried the Windows Context Menu option, as sort of a last means, and there's no Rename option there for me either (where again, fwiw, my present app provides both)? I don't know how common it is, but I use that option quite frequently with my present search program (which *doesn't* have the Preview feature, or content search option) and I'm not sure yet if the trade off for me would be worth it, time wise (even with fileseek's nifty speed). If it's not a feature, any possibility of having it added?

*regarding the Preview feature, i saw in another discussion the idea of having buttons for those (close/open); I'd second that as yet another nifty feature too!

Thanks for taking my query & for the Pro trial and free versions. I plan to be referring friends to fileseek to check it out.
Win7 x64
fileseek v5.0.1 (zip version/portable)
Dec 8, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There isn't currently a rename option, but I've added this to our feature request list. We'll definitely let you know when we're able to implement that.

Regarding the other request about the previews, could you just post a reply in that topic that you found? That way we can track the votes for it in one topic :)

Dec 9, 2015  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Last month we released FileSeek 5.1 ( and you can now rename individual files in the search results. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Sep 16, 2016  • #3
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11 discussion posts

Awesome! Very helpful to have the context menu option to rename (i've used it since upgrading several times already)! Thank you for that consideration.
Sep 16, 2016  • #4
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